Piling on the hours on the Jupiter caps. I know this will set off a firestorm.
Jupiter's are not noisy in any way have a clear top end (sometimes intoxicatingly clear) but I just do not find them in the league of the CAST in dynamics...
I will continue to give more of a listen but right now I am ticked that my CAST leaked and I do not have replacements...
Options are tying RS?
The CAST is likely 5x the volume in size of Jupiter and well, sounds it. I have yet ever to find a smaller cap a more dynamic cap...
Am I upset with the Jupiter's? No in the tight area of my amp the small size of the cap (and affordable price) is an asset and the CAST would not fit without big modifications... (plus big $$$ in several caps)
I am not sure to this day I agree with Tony's scores. I originally thought 17 for CAST would be about right. I am not sure why he rates other caps so close? Not to me...
I also have the Beeswax Jupiter's and I do not find or have not heard at least yet a big difference to the Copper's...
Tony quote on Jupiter Beeswax (good description not offensive in any way)
"I find them very pleasing to listen to".
I expect Tony to rate the Jupiter Copper's around 12?
That is my early guess... Oh how I would love the $33 cap to better the $200 one
Jupiter's are not noisy in any way have a clear top end (sometimes intoxicatingly clear) but I just do not find them in the league of the CAST in dynamics...
I will continue to give more of a listen but right now I am ticked that my CAST leaked and I do not have replacements...
Options are tying RS?
The CAST is likely 5x the volume in size of Jupiter and well, sounds it. I have yet ever to find a smaller cap a more dynamic cap...
Am I upset with the Jupiter's? No in the tight area of my amp the small size of the cap (and affordable price) is an asset and the CAST would not fit without big modifications... (plus big $$$ in several caps)
I am not sure to this day I agree with Tony's scores. I originally thought 17 for CAST would be about right. I am not sure why he rates other caps so close? Not to me...
I also have the Beeswax Jupiter's and I do not find or have not heard at least yet a big difference to the Copper's...
Tony quote on Jupiter Beeswax (good description not offensive in any way)
"I find them very pleasing to listen to".
I expect Tony to rate the Jupiter Copper's around 12?
That is my early guess... Oh how I would love the $33 cap to better the $200 one