I've had the Jupiter Cu foil capacitors in my amplifier for 6 hours and my "early" impression, this is a very good cap. Its insertion into the Frankenstein is less initially dramatic than with the CAST in my DAC and speakers at this same early stage. Is it the capacitor or is it due to different component/circuit location? One thing is clear however, it has a very natural character and the music flows realistically. The Jupiter reminds me more of the Duelund CAST than my experience with the V cap tin foil I've used. V caps are exceptional IMO but the CAST are just extraordinarily natural and right sounding, more emotion, harmonics and tone. The Jupiter seems cut from the same cloth. I'll have further impressions as they aquire
more playing time. I certainly understand that they need to burn in. I think
they could "potentially" equal the CAST or get very close. I'm not so sure
about toppling them however. Again, just quite early thoughts on an obviously fine capacitor.