Interesting. I have found large parts point to point wired with large gauge solid core wire to sound better than any circuit board loaded with surface mounted resistors and those tiny electrolytic caps etc...
This subject is most interesting and I would have to compare in the end and decide which is indeed better. I don't buy into the thought that tiny parts are inherently better sounding. That has not been my experience, but it can certainly be true of a particular design. No absolutes.
I have a two way speaker with a very simple crossover design and perhaps I can compare in the future.
This subject is most interesting and I would have to compare in the end and decide which is indeed better. I don't buy into the thought that tiny parts are inherently better sounding. That has not been my experience, but it can certainly be true of a particular design. No absolutes.
I have a two way speaker with a very simple crossover design and perhaps I can compare in the future.