Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
I would rather break-up and be single forever than being forced to lie how and where i spend MY money.
My girlfriend knows everything, especially how much money goes into gear.She even encourages me to buy something if she sees i want it and it makes me happy.
Yesterday she listened to the new speakers i bought (BRSE HR-1) and we were both very satisfied with the sound.
I know what people think - it's not the same once you get married.They all were full of understanding once.Then, if your audio-gear is your priority, don't get married.I didn't.I'm 31 and i don't see myself married in a long time.

One more thing - if i spent HER money, i would ask for her permission.This is MY money.
If i had a family, i would ALWAYS look out for my children's primary needs (food,shelter,education,little things etc.).
With the remaining of MY money, i can do whatever i want.

I have a strong opinion that i alone should be able to finance all of the family's normal needs.
Whatever my wife earns, she can spend on clothes for all i care.But she has no right to complain about 6 000$ speakers (or 10 000$ spent on gambling) if all family's needs are fulfilled.
Just my opinion, of course.I don't like compromises and i will set my life that way i hope i won't be forced to make them.
Audiobb, the key word is GIRLFRIEND. Girlfriends are much better than WIVES. GIRLFRIENDS are MUCH more understanding than WIVES, FME. GIRLFRIENDS are out to please the man because their chief goal is to become the WIFE. Once they have the saddle on the MULE's back, it's MUCH easier to dig the SPURS in. I watch my sons 'use' their GIRLFRIENDS, and I admit that I'm jealous. I remember when my bride was my GIRLFRIEND. That was the best couple of years of our relationship, IMHO. Since then, she has been 'using' me.

That being said, I don't LIE, I just do not discuss $$$ with my wife. She has good ears, and can hear differences, but there is no need to discuss finances. Ignorance is bliss, as they say...
She has plenty, I buy her plenty of gifts, so in 23 years of marriage she has never complained, or asked the cost of what I spend on audio gear.

Jmcgrogan2, i think you are right.That's one of the reasons i prefer girlfriend to wife.To be honest, i don't see much advantages in getting married alltogether.Anyway, most of the marriages i know are just crappy.People put up with each other out of habit and fear of being alone again.
I can't imagine me and my girlfriend as one of the boring midlle-age couples.We are both very active (sports and other) and she made it very clear she doesn't want to give HER LIFE up.We are both very individual and used to being single, so i still hope we can respect each other's privacy.Including audio gear :-)

I think you are honest man, and there's much wisdom in your words for those who can see it.

Anyway, even if i get married someday, i don't think there will be any major change in relationship.All of my girls knew who i am and what to expect with me.I don't expect any problems there - also, i intend to choose a woman who sees the world the way i see it.But, you can never know.People change - usually for worse.

Also, i think i remember you from Gabriel Gold thread.Did you get the Revelations?Mine sound great - but the whole system isn't finished yet.I only use them in my office system for now.
P.S.She knew exactlly how much i paid for GG's - in my country that's a small fortune.Not one word of critisicm - but key word could be "girlfriend".Altough i do trust her not to change into a monster once she feels she's "on the mule".
"I leave "Stereophile"s lying around the house - unlike *some* Daddy Mags, at least the kids won't become perverts from reading them.(I hope.)"
Hope is right. I've heard the word "sexy" used many times to describe audio gear. To me, it would seem pretty normal for a young man to get turned on by a pair of shapely legs on some hottie; but I can't help wondering what the psychiatric community would have to say about a young man getting turned on by a pair of glowing tubes on one of Joe Fratus' hot little numbers?
No way. Not me. Definitely not. Wouldn’t even cross my mind. Mislead my wife about audio gear purchases? What kind of person would do such a thing? Not this guy. I don’t have to. As I have explained to my wife on many occasions, I am diligent about researching all options prior to any purchase. The fact that I am able to acquire new gear at a mere fraction of the list price has to do with my brilliant negotiation skills and the well- thought-out strategies I employ during the purchasing process. The fact that dealers have been welling to take a loss for me is only to the benefit of my lovely wife and family. Really people, some of you need to rethink your scruples.

A loving husband.