I had my DNA 0.5 dlx upgraded this year to revC+, a worthwhile improvement. But if you're looking for more power, sweet as it is, the upgrade won't make the 0.5 any stronger.
It would make sense to me to get the DNA amp that by itself gives you all the power you need (dna 1 or 2), then have that one amp upgraded to revA, rather than spending twice as much for the upgrades to two separate amps, plus the monoblock conversions and the purchase price of two as well. After upgrade, the 0.5 and 1 should sound very similar, though your setup would better define whether monoblocks would offer any better sound over a single amp.
Your best resource may actually be Steve M. himself as you seem wedded to his amps to begin with: I found him very straight-up and unbiased, and certainly he knows more than any of us about how to most effectively use his amps. I might also suggest just buying a dna-225 for both power and sound for far less money...
It would make sense to me to get the DNA amp that by itself gives you all the power you need (dna 1 or 2), then have that one amp upgraded to revA, rather than spending twice as much for the upgrades to two separate amps, plus the monoblock conversions and the purchase price of two as well. After upgrade, the 0.5 and 1 should sound very similar, though your setup would better define whether monoblocks would offer any better sound over a single amp.
Your best resource may actually be Steve M. himself as you seem wedded to his amps to begin with: I found him very straight-up and unbiased, and certainly he knows more than any of us about how to most effectively use his amps. I might also suggest just buying a dna-225 for both power and sound for far less money...