what amp/pre/pro for my Zingali 3s

I am new to the Audigon game and all this stuff. I recently purcased a pair of Zingali 3s. I am 80% music, mostly female voices, acoustic/folk, some alternative rock and Jazz
My listening room, 14 foot ceilings, 14x20 or bigger
they are 4ohm 92db speakers. I was planning to spend about 2500 on processor/amps. Initial plan..open for review
1)outlaw 950/755 (weak for the 2 channel game?)
2)classe ssp-25 used and outlaw 755
3)classe ssp-25 and used hot rod three and 2 channel
4)outlaw 1050 and separate amp for the 2 mains, (can a separate 2 channel pre amp be added so the outlaw 1050 just runs ths HT?
5) help other options??
my rears are speakercraft center and sub are most
likely also Zingali
Also wanted to spend 1000 or so on a source, the new Sony
Yeah, I know, interconnects and speaker wire
will get as I go,

Thank you for your response
I like the idea of going with preamp/then amp/ then receiver later
Do you have any favorite pre amps with HT pass through?
Buying the pre first will allow me more flexibility to match my source and amp (if I go passive)
Have been reading the posts alot (wife wants me to come to bed!)
How about the Sonic frontier Line up?

Thanks in advance
do the consonance pre amps have a
ht pass thru so i can easily add an
ht w/ pre outs later?
which models of pre and SS amp
would you rec to total 2000 (used)
love the way they look!
Hi Dcktr, the sonic frontier would be great, I use a simple passive in my system. I would do a post asking for advice on good tube pre for this if you want to go with tube set up. If you want to go with a passive set up I would go with F.T. audio passive, Placette audio passive or the unit I use which is Bent audio transformer passive, all three are very good units. The Placette and Bent are about the same price and can be had with remote control. The F.T. audio is half the price of the other two.