I need some clarity

Hey guys, can yall give some suggestions on how to brighten the sound of my system. It consists of:
Ah! Njoe Tjeob CDP with the Burr Brown OPA627 Op-amp upgrade
Van Den Hul The Bay C5 IC
Parasound HCA 750 power amp
Acoustic Reasearch speaker wire (to be replaced soon)
Magnepan MMG

The midrange is quite nice and strong, the bass is fine, but I need more clarity and detail. My options in placement is very limited because I live in the dorm at my school, plus I have a roommate so I only have half of the room. I'm hoping I wont have to buy a pre amp with tone controls or brighter speakers. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

I like the Siemens tube idea, but honestly don't think it will get you where you want to be. My guess is your room has a dropped ceiling 2 beds (possibly bunked), carpeted floors and possibly drapes. You have too much high frequency absorption relative to everything else. the midrange sounds okay in a small space because there is very little affecting it, but placement of the high frequency absorption could go a long way to getting better sound (realizing it's unlikely you can through your roommates' bed in the hall). Your speakers have more than 30 percent of their energy radiated from the back, so in your case, have a good hard surface behind them, this will accentuate the high frequencies and help balance the situation.
Magnapan MMGs? Are those the cheapy ones? I owned them in the mid eighties -paid $550.00 or so new... I was never satisfied with their detail either. I visited an audio store in "the valley" when living in L.A. where I heard some Conrad-Johnson "Synthesis" speakers (no longer made) that made me feel like someone had pulled cotton wads out of me ears! Truly high-end sound. Find some new speakers (with first-order crossovers -of course). -Think this will do the trick.
try experimenting with different upgrade AC power cords on any / all components that have detachable cords. Every cord sounds different, & they don't even perform in exactly the same way when placed on different components. Try out some different silver cords, cables, & speaker wire. Silver can definitely add some zip to a lackluster combo.
Dweller has identified your main problem. I used to sell MMG's retail, and while they are fun little speakers for the dough, you will not get crystal clarity out of them no matter what's before them in the chain - they lack the extension (both in frequency and dynamics) and resolution/articulation you want, and they add a grainy texture, all resulting in a comparitively veiled, midrangey sound. If you're a fan of the Maggie spatial presentation (as I am), maybe you ought to check out a pair of the 1.6QR's; I suspect you'll find them to be much smoother, more open, and more detailed. I also suggest that you address your speaker issue before making changes to your sources or cables, because if you try to do those things first, you may not like the balance that your choices have given you once you acquire more truly revealing speakers. Get something better to hear your system through, speaker-wise, and then you can focus on making upgrades elsewhere, knowing you have a 'clearer window' through which to evaluate options in the rest of the chain.