Amps to drive Vandy 3A signatures

Hello all,

I am looking into the Vandersteen 3A signatures and noticed that they need quite a bit of juice to get them going. This fact may prevent me from purchasing these speakers since I cannot afford to spend more than $1500 total on amplification. Anyone have any good recommendations for amps, integrated or separates in this price range that can do an adequate job driving these speakers.

Thanks in advanced
I've been using an Audio Research Classic 60 with great success. More than enough power, though I do have a small room and don't listen at high levels. I would also consider some of the Audio Research solid state amps, they're quite good for the money (used that is).
Any of the McCormack amps from DNA-1 up in power are excellent matches w/ Vand. 3 speakers, unless you do the bi-amping thing like Swampwalker wih a pair of .5s. I especially liked the DNA-2 with the 3A/3A Sig., and a DNA-2 can sometimes be found for around $1500.-- LOTS of power. Good Luck. Craig
One final suggestion that I failed to include in my initial post: the Marsh Sound Design A400S power amp. It retails for $2000, but there have recently been several used units here on A-gon for around $1200-1300. There is currently a A400S listed if you look in the older "for sale" items.
Hello All,

Thanks for the great responses. Anybody know of any good integrateds for $1500 that would work well with these speakers. Sorry I forgot to mention this before, but my listening room is 16' x 20'.

Well...I have heard the 3As on a Bryston b-60 and was amazed at the combination...Vandies can be a little "loose" in the bottom octaves(still very musical)...and the Bryston brought great control and finesse...not ultra-fast/tight performance...but probably one of the better bass reproductions I have heard from also should be noted Brystons are known for being very bass accurate amps...which is why Maggie owners enjoy them as well...ofcourse the legendary "spatial" qualities and 3-d imaging of the Vandies were in tact...nice pairing...about $1500 new w/o the has demos from time to time..good luck