Maybe Sean could give a more standard answer to the original poster. To indicate that TWL's experience is representative of what is normally encountered in the field is much like saying that a human can survive on five stalks of celery a day, fifty when he is doing physical work. You will not be building a railway on such a diet. While very true that background listening levels require a tiny amount of power, anything resembling reality requires substantially more. Now if you appreciate that music is dynamic in its nature, not clipping peaks requires multiples of what is required for the average level, in the order certainly of ten and sometimes way more. So the "depends" answer given by TWL is somewhat disingenuous in the normal scheme of things. Issues of speaker efficiency, room size, normal listening volume, type of music being reproduced are all pertinent. The one point to realise is that an amp when pushed will produce much greater distortion than when used within its capacity. How it reacts when pushed is another sub-topic here: some are more graceful than others in how they clip. More power is never a bad thing. Too much may be wasteful of resources. Now let the debate of the "good watt/bad watt" brigade begin.
How much Power do speakers really use ???????
I have a debate going with a friend . How much power do the average speakers really use (not maggies etc) . He scoffs at high end amps that are rated at 100 -150 watts solid state and tubes as underpowered. I say that most of the time you are using less than 5 watts or so. And what do massvie power supplies and capacitors etc really do technically. What do you guys think? Thank You
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