Tube gear under $2k?

Ok, when I bought my speakers, I auditioned them with various gear, but my favorite was the Manley Stingray. The problem is that I plan on also running my tv through my 2 channel system, so I really want a remote! At this price, I figure I need to go used to get a remote. Anyway, I'd like my system to be fast & detailed, with tight, quick bass and with some slam. I listen to jazz, metal, trip-hop, classic rock, folk, electronic... pretty much everything. I know I have a lot of demands and little money (relatively) to spend on them, but what can I do? Anyway, I need suggestions/opinions! HELP!!! Thanks in advance!
How would Quicksilver separates compare to the other options mentioned in this thread? From what I've been able to read in different forum archives, it sounds like the Rogue Tempest Magnum might be what I'm looking for. Would other people agree? Would some other option be better for me? Since I'm buying this used & unheard, I'm trying to get as much input as I can. Anyway, I really appreciate the help.
The Rogue Magnum series is excellent no matter which one. The Tempest gets you there without having to spend more money on 88+66. Used ones get snapped up really quickly however if the price is decent. Even the standard Rogues may give you all you need. I was quite impressed with Rogue when I auditioned them. Only thing I didn't like was the cooling fan (on the 88 - don't remember if tempest has it but probably). It was silent but my job is thermal management of electronics and I feel they could do better in that regard. Heck, we don't mind seeing the tubes, do we?? Oh well... Arthur
Actually, I really like seeing the tubes... not enough to make me avoid a piece of equipment, though. Do you feel the fan in the Rogue equipment introduces reliability problems, Arthur?
Quickies will provide for you a neccessary drive you need for your room. Replace stock EL34 with KT90 and you've already got 90W/ch!

Quicksilver separates might align with Stingray if properly matched but with more power. They're excellent in jazz, sophisticated electronics and even with heavy rock if the right speakers are matched.
Why look further from old proven Dynaco st 70? Some of the profesionaly modified vintage amplifiers will outperform many overpriced new amplifiers that are already using the old topology. If need more power go with ARC D-51, D-75, D-76, D-79 & D-150. These would be probably more SS sounding than the Dynaco. But if you prefer the 'dryer' sound ARC might be your ticket. Bulk of the money should go toward the good pre-amp.