Best high current SS Mono amps

I am searching for the best SS amp for 4 ohm electrostat speakers. I would consider tube monos, but I just can not take any buzzing or humming those tube amps have from time to time. I have a very quiet room and often play at low volumes.

Please help me out with your thoughts. I have spent a lot of time on the archives and I just can't tell what to buy. I would like to spend no more than 11,000 used on some balanced monoblocks with high current.

If there is a dead quiet tube amp that fits the bill, please mention it.
You might try the Classe CAM-350's, a real bargain ($7,000 pair new). These are dead quiet, high current, 350-watt channel monoblocks, and sound as good on my Andra II's, which are very efficient, as they did on the original Andras, which simply ate power. Good luck.
why not Innersound Monoblocks?...they are built for electrostats and you'll love them...and you can save a chunk of money for Cd's...
Please note that Gilbert Yeung, the head designer at Blue Circle, uses ML CLS IIz as his reference speaker...
have to second that from Fcrowder. his JC1s are quite special driving the acapella campaniles.

hard to find fault with them, and at their price point, unbeatable IMHO.
The nicest solid state amps I had on CLS II's years ago were Levinson 20.6's. They may sound a bit "darker" than current Levinsons which might not be a bad thing and you would save yourself a few $$. What preamp are you using?