Amp On or Off?

Is it a good idea to leave solid state A/B amp on all the time to avoid the heat-up/cool-down stress on internal components?
It depends of the design of the amplifier. A good example is:
YBA amps are designed to be leave on all the time but not Gamut amps as the designer told me.
I use a Tripp-Lite surge protector. This, I hope, reduces in-rush current damage when amp is first turned on. For class A/B avoiding in-rush current seems to be the main reason to leave on all the time.
I'll share my opinion here..I know Iv'e previously mentioned it in some thread somewhere...It really does add up to your priorities, and wheather or not you want,can or should leave it on continously is a matter of choice. I have been around many professional audio shops over the years and find some prefer to turn off at days end and power back up at the start of business hours the next morning.Many prefer to leave on continously and damn the cost and wear(dealers sell them as demo's anyway and they wont have them for long)

I take the following approach...Since my pre amp is tube, that's turned off for obvious reasons of tube life..tubes heat up and stabilize fairly quickly(usually within 30min).

My Wadia stays on continously...The folks at Wadia feel very strongly that digital is best left powered on constantly. In fact, the say digital takes about 72 hours from cold start to sound it's optimum.

As for the amp... What I did was to incorporate a single source Hi current line conditioner made by the folks at Virtual Mode. They are a small company based in Conneticut.( Check out their site at Their ClearPower 2( now updated)line conditioner is a passive surge protector and voltage drop(brown AC) protection device that incorporates a 2 position switch that allows a soft start turn on/off cycle. The unit contains no MOV's or transformers and does not affect the audio band frequency, just the 60 hz line voltage. It provide RF protection and quiets the line noise. It works basically by allowing a small voltage to be at the amps power supply when in the off position( amp switch left on) then, when turned to the 1st position, limits the voltage to 90 Volts and upon switching to the on position after about 10 seconds.. allows full 120V to be at the amp..Essentially it's a double soft start turn on. I feel this allows the amp to be turned off and save wear,heat,electric etc.. while allowing the amp to cycle on so as not to have the in-rush of full voltage and current at turn on. It's reasonably priced as well. and is quiet as a mouse.
With out something like this PLC, I would probably leave my Plinius SA100 MkII on continously...although in AB not Class A! If I only had a Class A amp...Id rather turn it on/off as needed so it doesn't bake in its case!
Happy listening!-Ken