Recommended pre amp's w/excellent phono stage

I really want to explore this route first, before I use an outboard pre I am just kind of finicky about adding another cable to complicate matters. Please restrict your recommendations to the sub-$1K category.

Thank you
If you give an info about your amplifier it would be much easier to throw for your choices. Also how many components you need to hookup to your preamp?
IMO I would not interfear with Counterpoint gear since its service is under the BIG question on the market but used ones are sold at a small fraction of a retail price solely for that reason.
This is a cool web page for some affordable preamps with phono. While not a complete list of all the good pre amps it will suggest many.

I have been happy with my Classe CP-35, to which I've added the optional phono card. This is a daughtercard, so nothing is external, it just turns your first input into a phono input. Supports MC/MM. You are left with three regular inputs (in addition to the phono) and 1 balanced input, as well as tape in/out.

List price for the combo is about $1550, but the CP-35 used is often listed here for $500-$800. I haven't seen the phono board sold here, but even if you pay new price ($250) for the phono board, you're still within the budget.
Classe makes a few preamps with phono in your price range like the CP-45 or if you can spend a bit more go with the CP-60 Happy Listening
There is a Jeff Rowland Coherence One preamp now on audiogon for $800. One of the best phono stage I have owned, and I have had both the AI Modulus 3 and Counterpoint SA5.1. Rowland stuff sounds great and lasts forever.