Too much power?

I'm either going to buy a Aragon 2004 II or 4004 II. I have a pair of Klipsch kg3.5's, they're sensitivity is 94db so they're not hard to drive. Will the 4004 be too much power or is there no such thing? Thanks
There is really no such thing as too much power, pe se. In fact you can more easily destroy speakers by overdriving underpowered amps. However, just buying an amp with twice is much power sez nothing about whether or not you will get better sound. It is far more difficult to produce a really high powered amp that sounds good and thats why the really good ones cost big bucks. With 94db speakers 200 watts would be more than enuf unless you want to lose your hearing - you can get peaks in excess of 115db with 200. I can drive 86 db speakers with 160 watt amps to great and loud results. If I had 94 db speakers I would be looking for the best 50 watt class A I could afford. enjoy...
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You can never have too much 'clean' power, IMHO. As Newbee mentioned, almost all speaker damage occurs from an underpowered amp being driven past it's power ratings into 'clipping'. Go for the 4004 mk II, it's a nice amp.

Your first priority in buying an amp should be how it sounds with your room and ancillary equipment. The power rating and all other specs should be secondary or even irrelevant - no need to obsess over impedance matching, max power levels, etc., just focus on how it sounds to you.

Unless, you need to drive inefficient speakers to ear splitting levels in a large room, then the power rating becomes a major factor. You wouldn't rule out a car because of too much extra power for 65 mph, so why short yourself of a good amp that happens to have more power than you'll probably use.
Yep, I'd rather look for quality in this case rather than in quantity. Look for used VTL TT25. These little monsters will rock, roll, jazz and hop at ease. You can even switch between triode and ultralinear operations.