Too much power?

I'm either going to buy a Aragon 2004 II or 4004 II. I have a pair of Klipsch kg3.5's, they're sensitivity is 94db so they're not hard to drive. Will the 4004 be too much power or is there no such thing? Thanks
Great Match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The aragon will soften out the klipsch just enough.
I agree w/ Newbee and Jmc in that you can never have too much power although w/ super powerful amps you do have to be a little careful. To put it into perspective, the 200 wpc Aragon 4004 will only play 3 dB louder than the 100 wpc 2004 at maximum volume-- and that's not much.

I also agree w/Newbee in that w/94 dB efficient speakers you really don't need much power, and a good 50 to 200 wpc amp would be enough to blow you out of the room-- could be a lot less expensive also. Good Luck and Cheers. Craig
Higher quality and less power gets my vote!
Something around 100 watts will do just fine!
Happy Listening
You can never have too much power. Prudence with the ole volume control is all that's needed, here....
The issue of power is all too often confused with current
and especially current reserves. Of course, along with this
is whether the thing sounds good. I agree with
a previous reply that quality is much more important than
quantity. There are SET amps on the market that are under
10 watts that are sonically awesome with high efficiency