Vandersteen users: How low can you go with tubes

Hey all, could use some insight from people who have experience with Vandersteen 2ce speakers. I am in the process of upgrading my system, both amps and speakers. I am pretty much set on a pair of Vandersteen 2ce sigs. I noticed they are 87 db efficient with recommended minimum 40 watts power requirement. Still researching and trying to listen to amps, but I am considering moderately-priced integrated amps such as Rogue Tempest Magnum (60 watts), Unison Unico (80 watts ss), or perhaps a used ARC CA-50 (45 watts?). I would really like to go with a good tube amp but not sure I can afford the power I would need to drive these speakers, particularly with separates. Anyone have any insight about how well these speakers do with amps in the 50-80 watt power range? I listen to a wide variety of music, usually low to moderate volumes. Thanks!
I have the Vandies, and have heard them driven perfectly well by a Audio Research VT-55. For what it's worth!
I have 2ce sigs that are driven by a 50wpc ARC VT-60. There is plenty of power and they sound fantastic.
At low to medium volumes, any of the amps will do fine as for power. The only caveat to tube amplification is you want to check and make sure the Vandersteen's low end sounds suitable using the amp you select. Sometimes, the low end can sound bloated with the wrong amp. The ARC amps are wonderful with this speaker.
Also, make sure you get these speakers set up correctly. It takes some time experimenting but it is well worth the effort. Follow the instruction manual and all will be fine.
If, depending on room size, you want to go over about 85db, you might want to look at more power. A good test is track one of the original Jurassic Park CD. It will let you know pretty quick about your bottom end requirements.
50W OK 80W certainly better. Vandies will benefit from higher power but so as they someway will from tubes(as any other speaker depending on one's tastes). In your budget I'd go for Quicksilver M60 monos with KT90 that will swing them at 90W/ch or VTL MB125 used. Both in your price range.

Good luck.