Stereophile is in the business of selling (generally) high-priced, many would say highly overpriced, high-end gear. Why? Simple! A magazine's profits come from advertisers, generally, from my experience in the magazine business, in the ratio of 60% ad space to 40% articles. Have you noticed how much thinner Stereophile has gotten since the number and space of ads has declined. Readers, you ask? To magazines readers are a necessary evil. Advertisers pay according to the number of subscribers, which is why you get all those 'bargain' subscription offers.
This brings me to the "A" list and reviews. A magazine can't afford to antagonize advertisers or trash equipment sent for review. Obvious, isn't it! Do that and the magazine goes down the tubes (no pun intended). That's why it appears that Stereophile's reviewers haven't, to paraphrase Will Rogers, met a piece of equipment they didn't like!
Are the reviewers dishonest? Not necessarily! They must certainly be cross-pressured. On the one hand they must serve, and thus maintain, their subscriber base, and, at the same time serve the interests of makers of often overpriced equipment.
Do I read Stereophile? Sure, I do! At the going subscription rate one can't afford not to. I find it fun and sometimes even useful. I jus take their recommendations with more than a grain of salt!