Manley vs Wolcott for Innersound Eros

I recently purchased a pair of Innersound EROS Mk II (active)speakers. I am currently using an ARC VT100 Mk II and am considering a step up in amplification. The dealer who sold me the Innersounds demonstrated them with Manley Neo Classic 250 amplifiers, and I must say I was mighty inpressed. I have also heard good things about the Wolcott's with 'stats, but there is no way for me to perform this comparison. Has anyone out there compared these two amps with 'stats ? Thanks for your posts.

I haven’t heard the Eros with the Manley Neo Classics. I am using the Wolcotts to drive my Eros. If you like the Eros, you will love them with the Wolcott amps driving them. I was using a pair of Rowland Model 1’s prior to auditioning the Wolcott amps. The difference is astonishing. These amps kill. Hands down, the Wolcott amplifiers are best amps I have ever heard. Moreover, I feel they really mate well with the strong points the Eros bring to the table.

There’s a definite synergy with this combination. Leave the lights on at night!

I have owned the Wolcotts and I just recently purchased the Manley 250's. On cone speakers the Wolcott's weren;t the best choice. No dynamics and fair bass. The new Manley 250's have awesome control and dynamics driving the Piega c-10ltd. Best sound in my room to date