Can you warm up your tube amp ...

....without plugging in the IC's and any speaker cables without damage?

I am about ready (1-2 weeks away) to A/B my ASL Hurricanes against my ARC VT 100mkll. I have not used the ARC in over two weeks and would like to warm it up for a fair comparison. Can the about suggestions be done? Thanks
I thought tube amps need a load on the speaker terminals, w/o it can cause harm. I am NOT a expert here....
You should call the company for sure as sometimes it can be harmfull to run without a load.
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure Philojet and Jfrech are right. Last night one of my speaker wires was disconnected from my Jadis amp (cleaning woman) and the amp started buzzing loudly--fortunately caught it right away to avoid any damage. You'll need to run the amp into a load.
Some tube amps can be on without a speaker load (as long as it's low power) and some will short out at dc right away. With any tube amp (especially the 100 watt ARC's) it's best not to take any chances. Use an old pair of speakers or a dummy power resistor. But check the owner's manual for the last word.
Personally, i would not leave a tube amp on without having some type of terminating load on it. If you want to do something like this, go to Radio Shack and pick up a pair of 8 ohm or 16 ohm resistors. You can connect these across the speaker terminals like they were speakers. Check them after the amp has been on for a short period of time to see if they are hot. If they are hot, shut down the amp. The amp may be oscillating from not having anything on the input.

If you use common sense, you'll be fine and it won't cost you more than a very few dollars to do what you want to do. Sean