Tube dampers?

How much sonic improvement, if any, do tube dampers offer? I've got a Rogue Tempest Magnum. I've seen various versions, (brass on Mapleshade) for instance.
I found Herbie's Hal-O tube dampers (Teflon I think) to make a very noticeable improvement when used on the tubes (NOS 6922 Sovteks, and apparently "micro-phonic) in My SF Line 2SE. The Hal-Os dampened a low treble "tizziness" that showed up as excess brightness and/or glare. These dampers are so effective that I could actually fine tune sound-- best music quality was at 1/2 way down the tube for me. I highly recommend these dampers, and Herbie advertizes here on A'Gon if you're interested. Cheers. Craig
The Halo dampers are most definitely effective and I use
them about 75% up with ARC dampers about 25% up. I also
have used the Mapleshade brass dampers with good sonic
results, but also lost several tubes due to overheating.
I finally had to return them. There was a promise from
Mapleshade to replace a couple of the tubes, but it never
happened. Patience and persistence can definitely raise
the bar in a system.
Besides the tube damper rings, you want to add some weight to the top of each tube, some lead. There used to be a company that made hi hats I think that worked well but were expensive. You can make your own by going to a crafts store and buying some lead strips and make your own. These tweaks benefit the sound to make it more musical in every way if you system can provide enough details.