Hi-Fi wanna-be needing advice on an Amp purchase

The Hi-Fi bug has bitten and I'm looking to upgrade my Yamaha receiver with a quality amp at a Mid-Fi price (under $1,000). I currently have the Paradigm Reference Studio 60s that are poorly driven by an under-powered, awfully bright Yamaha receiver. For the time being, the Yamaha will remain in the configuration as the pre-amp. Through my local dealers, I've been courting the Adcom 5500/5503, Rotel RB-1080 and the Anthem MCA 20. I had a weekend test drive of an Anthem MCA 2, which convinced me I needed to upgrade, but now for a decision. Any advice on great amp match-up for Studio 60s???
I second Musical Fidelity. A second choise (maybe even first) McIntosh - MC7100 - great 100w amp.
I think Gthirteen was refering to the Sony TA-F808ES integrated amp, not a receiver. While not easy to find, it is IMO, a sweet piece of gear and can be had for a lot less than a grand. I do agree that for the money, buying a integrated makes the most sense because that Yammie is still going to be bright.
IMO, Paradigm and Anthem make a great match. Both Paradigm
and Anthem are owned by the same parent company -- often
you get good synergy that way. Anthem MCA amps [and the
AVM20 processor] are a great value. You will get far better
sound with separates -- you saw that with your test drive.
Gotta recommend the Odyssey Stratos. I have the 60v2s as well and I have the Stratos amp and it was a truly amazing difference over my 5 channel amp.