Dust problems on high gloss surfaces

Does anybody - esp. McIntosh MC 2000 owners - know how to keep the golden plated base dustfree?? The cloth which comes with the amp is absolutely useless - it applied some scratches right away - I could have freaked.
I don't use the tube cover because the tube section is so beautiful to look at and the tubes can breath better - but there's the dust which spoils most of this glorious impression.
I know that an amp is for musical purposes in the first place - but with a beautiful Mac........?
Thanks for any input!
Try 3m micro fiber cloths way better than a swifer, swifer uses sillocon .3M cloths are just micro fiber they hold hudge amounts of dust without scraching .Martin logan sells them for $30 but you can buy them for arround $7 at[k mart ,janitorial supply stores,]they can be washed and used over and over ,mine is 3 years old still going strong
You can blow the dust away using a small air pressure
can used in photography or those small chinese brushes that come in a variety of shape in those chinese boutique. Using an air conditioner an keeping the window closed helps also, specially in combination with an air purifier working on and off inside. You can also ask a piano store, they should know something.