Solid state amp ultimate stop...

I am wondering, when upgrading your power amplifier (solid state/hybrid/digital but not tube), which brand of amplifier do you think could be your last stop for your solid state amplifier investment? Put it in another way, which brand(s) of solid state power amp would be your ultimate dream machine that you believe you will be very happy to live with for a long time? In your answer, please consider a realistic top budget that you are willing to spend for that ultimate power amp. As for me, I will be very happy when I finally upgraded to a Pass or BAT product.

This question is just for the sake of discussion, please .. don't flame me. :)

Okay, I lied. I sold the Krell due to financial concerns and replaced it with a Classe Omicron. I can't imagine going back to Krell. Not that they are bad I just like the Classe better. Krell still makes a great product, I wonder what the evolution series sounds like?!?

I could and another Omicron for a lot less money... 1450wpc into my little Talons?!? Wow.
anyone here who informs the others that XYZ is going to be his/her "last stop" for amps is not being very true!!! LOL!
I've heard that statement many times "oh, this amp/preamp/DAC/TT/power conditioner, etc, etc, etc is my last!" I turn around & look & what do I see, that fellow's got a new amp/preamp/DAC/TT/power conditioner, etc, etc, etc! Some new model came out, somebody put a bug in his/her ear about "really" trying this other unit & he/she just "had to have it"!
This audio Lkean & there is ALWAYS something out there that is better sounding &/or better looking than what you have & you will simply get the itch to have it in your system even if what you have is superb sounding!! :-)
Ach! sooooo many audio pieces out there to listen to & just 1 life.....

(also people hear differently so last stop for these various members might not be the last stop for you).
Just for fun, I'd like the new MAC 501 monoblocks.....Bobbaywalla is right though.....still we can have fun....on threads like this.
I have been delighted with my GamuT D-100 Mk.3 which in my system is very natural, nonfatiguing, dynamic,life like musical. I have plenty of power to listen at realistic volume levels. For those who need more power, GamuT makes more powerful amplifiers with the same wonderful design. It is the single high power, high current switching mosfet output device which makes all the difference = single voicing like my SET tube preamp. A french magazine says the GamuT has been rated one of the five best SS amps in the world. I had the Pass Aleph 5 before the GamuT which was extremely good in my system, but the GamuT is better. I have had the GamuT for 2 years and no desire to change even if somebody offered me $10,000 to do so! Well actually, I might buy the more powerful GamuT D-200 Mk.3 and spend the other $4000 on CDs!
Krell FPB 300 cx. Have it for 3 years and never think about replacing it -- assuming I could even lift it again!
