Used tube pre-amp around $1,000

I'm thinking of upgrading my pre amp. I currently have a CJ PV10al & my first instinct would be to go higher up the CJ line. I have a set of Tyler Reference Monitors with matching sub & need another line out of my pre amp. The rest of my system is a DNA-1, Phillips 963SA, Tascam DAT deck with DH Labs, MIT & Analysis Plus cables. I think the system sounds fantastic but want a "little" more detail & larger soundstage.

The problem with staying in the CJ line is the cost. I don't know if the 12 is worth the jump & the 14 is a little more than I care to spend at this time. Are there any choices out there that will provide a marked improvement & keep me around my $1,000 budget? A remote would be a plus but not that important to me. It must have two outs & be tubed.

Audible Illusions seems to top the list in this price range but I hear they are rather tough on tubes. I am also considering adding a turntable to my rig in the future. So what are some great used pre-amps in my budget?
I've had an Eastern Electric MiniMax for two weeks and am absolutely amazed with how it's brought my system to a new level. Check out the website at For $1200 retail, it's a giant killer.
you could try sending the unit back to cj and get the 10b'll get a better power supply and a better gain spec.the upgrade unit operates at a lower noise level.i just sent my pv10a in for the mod.the cost is $350.00.i'll get back to let you know how it works out,if you want.
BAT VK3i can usually be had for just under $2k w/o remote and just over w/remote. I liked it a lot w/my DNA, although the 0.5 is better than the 2.0 if you don't need the watts.
The AI stepped attentuators have steps that are sonicly too big, so you may not be able to achieve the precise volume you are seeking. Still, the quality of sound is remarkable.
Hi Fishwater, I have a pv 10 and bought a used premier 14 about 2 years ago. A really big jump - music is so much more natural, every area improves - bottom end, top end, detail, imaging. It is also more neutral/natural - not as euphoric as the PV10. I got a reminder this week - I'm having a problem with the 14 and sent it in for repairs and put the PV 10 back in. It's a very nice preamp but it is not in the league of the 14. One caveat - there aren't alot of 6GK5 tubes available if you like to tube roll - CJ is now using all GE's. They were using GE's and Sylvania's which I think were the best combo, but I guess they can't get the sylvania's anymore. There are also Mullards and Hitachi's available from other retailers that are interesting but in my system the GE/SLY were the best overall performers. If you like CJ - move up into the premier line when you can is my opinion and you'll never look back.