Lamm ML1 question

Well, I finally bit the bullet and bought a used pair of Lamm ML-1s to replace my Jadis amps in my main system. While I like what I'm hearing, has anyone tried any tube-rolling with the two small-signal tubes in the amps? Any suggestions?
Romy: I'm still getting used to the amps, and really am discovering there's little I'd like to improve (I originally thought the dynamics were a little restrained compared to my Jadis until I recognized the difference was in the relative listening level, as the Lamms seem a little less sensitive than the Jadis). The tonal balance is as neutral as I've ever heard, so there's little I'd like to change there. Given my past experience with new vs. NOS tubes, I am probably more interested in the longevity of the NOS tubes, but it may be the Lamm circuit is easier on the tubes than the Jadis. What's your experience been on the latter item?
*** I'm still getting used to the amps, and really am discovering there's little I'd like to improve (I originally thought the dynamics were a little restrained compared to my Jadis until I recognized the difference was in the relative listening level, as the Lamms seem a little less sensitive than the Jadis).

Yes, Lamms do have some restrictions of absolute dynamics. Partially it is due to some decisions that Lamm used within his amps and partially it is due to limitations of your loudspeakers. When you run LM2 with above 105dB sensitive speakers (and the REAL capable speakers) then all questions about dynamics will evaporative. However, there are some more important things about the Lamm dynamics then the "absolute dynamics". Lamms amps (and ML2 is an unconditional monarch in this domain) manage to control the dynamics pattern (attack/decay) with a level of intelligence that is unachievable with any other amps. People do not really get it. They are not familiar with sharpness of notes, with subjective affect it has to thier listing experience and with the mechanisms according to which the tone rolling to it's pitch. Entire industry pursues a sharpening of tone as a evidence of “quality” and this is very unfortunate hi-fi-ish tendency. For example if you look at the Tenors that have larger subjective dynamic then Lamms then you detect that the Tenors dynamic is wild and stupid. The amplitude with which an amp run across a dynamic range is important but the most important the speed with which it approaches to the marked dynamics point. This speed of change speed is where the “dynamic” Tenors demonstrate is complete impotence. The acoustic dynamic acceleration has it’s own patterns and acoustic attack/decay pattern has own mechanism. The majority contemporary hi-hi “designers” or not familiar with them or not capable to couple the correct attack/decay pattern to other characteristics of amplifier. If you listen serious music and have non-corrupted by hi-fi taste then you very soon get use to the Lamms ability do not scrutinize the attack/decay and by means of this to preserve the original harmonic and dynamic stricture. If you need more “absolute dynamics” then get read your funny 90-94 db sensitive speakers (also killed by the stupid crossovers) and go to the high sensitively world.

**** Given my past experience with new vs. NOS tubes, I am probably more interested in the longevity of the NOS tubes, but it may be the Lamm circuit is easier on the tubes than the Jadis. What's your experience been on the latter item?

Lamms still could be benefited by the better input tubes. The different 12AX7, 4004, ECC803, E83CC, M8137 (do not go for 5751 despite Lamm suggests it in his FAQ) and many others would make it, I would say different, and perhaps will “write” for your system more desirable result. The input tubes lest for VERY long time, years… many, many years. The output tubes can credibly work for 1.5 year with intensive use.

Romy the Cat
Russ, you bring up a very good point with regard to listening to new amps. I am finding this out also as I compare my ASL Hurricanes to the ARC VT 100mk2. There are so many thing to consider besides sonics such as sensitivity levels etc. Stay on course an