Amp for Green Mountain Europa

... Building a new system around the Europa's; also Discovery Essence IC's, Sony TA E86B preamp( to be replaced in time), Tyler Reference subwoofer.

Someone I trust strongly suggests 125-150 watt Edge or Blue Circle for amp. Soundstage, imaging, detail, power reserve are important, plus other common attributes of a higher quality power source.

~$2000 budget, new or used. What other amps should be on my short list to take advantage of the full potential of the speaker? I would also appreciate comments from those with experience with the Europa's and the two amp families mentioned.

I live where there is little or no access to audition finer gear so my decision will be made based on literature and on info gained from this sort of feedback. Thanks.
"Mystery Lady" by Etta James is great too - as is most of her older stuff like "At Last".
Hi everyone. I have about 50 hours on my Europas. They are sounding great. I am using an Antique Sound Lads Twin Head MK II tube preamp and an Anthem MCA II power amp. However I have the new PS Audio PCA 2 preamp on the way and am in the market for a new power amp. Anyone have any Idea what the Edge amps are priced at? Thanks

Since you asked about Edge electronics, here is the link:

Hope that you have d-e-e-p pockets!!!! Prices are listed at the bottom of each page of most products.

BTW, I have GMA C1.5i 3-way floor-standing speakers. They are simply excellent. They didn't wow me I 1st played them but now they impress the heck out of me. I've had them just for 1 month so I'm not writing a review until I play w/ them some more.
Thanks for the link Bombaywalla. The Europas sounded good out of the box, but they did not really have that "wow" factor. Now, after 50 plus hours, I am amazed. I can't wait to hear what they sound like after 200 plus hours. I like them so much I am strongly considering the new C-3 for my main system.