Need some audiogon expertise

Hi all, I am having a little problem here with thin bass. I am not really sure where to start. Some help would be most apprecieated. I have heard some say tubes in preamp but i dont feel that 2 little 6922's can be causing the music to be so thin but maybe so. Heres my list of equipment.

California Audio Labs Icon/Powerboss
Audible Illusions L-1/matched pair of 6H23-EB
Aragon 4004 mkII
Sansui TU-717
Vmps Tower 2/R's
Acoustic Research 12 guage
Radio Shack fusion IC's throughout

Stand alone i've not heard of any of the components having the traits of thin bass. But obviously i have something causing this.

Room is 22 x 14 x 8. Speakers are on the short wall placed 2 1/2 feet from back wall and 3 feet from sidewalls toed in directly at my listening position which is 10 feet from speakers.

Thanks for the help.
I'm with Lindemman. It sounds like speaker positioning. Those VMPS are very capable in the bottom end. Might as well start there, it's free :-)
Not sure about the tower II's, but I have the super tower/r's which are the next model up. Make sure your speaker cables are in the lower set of inputs on the speakers and the switch is in the down position if they have this on them, The switch is for bi-amp and takes the place of jumpers most other speakers have. Also, as you bought these used, make sure the putty mass that comes pre installed on the passive is in place and of the correct amount (they come from factory fully damped/you remove putty in small amounts to tune the passive). These speakers should have great output at 30hz. and good output down to the mid 20's.
Celtic probably speaking of some magic cables that act sort-of like components giving large bass "extentions" right?
Other than that I guess your amp may need an upgrade.
Shop for Bryston 3b-st. It's affordable and has a nice deep bass.
Yoo've said you had this system 6 months. This is just a thought, but perhaps previous systems have accustomed you to more boomy bass and what you're hearing now is just more accurate?
I agree with playing with speaker positioning first. Closer to the walls should get more bass (tighter?). Keep in mind that this is a very "mellow" system. Quite nice, clean and detailed, but won't have a lot of bite.

As far as the tubes for future reference: 6922s should last 5000 to 10,000 hours. Big reason why manufacturers love them. Changing tubes will make a huge difference. Let us know what kind you have now and someone should make a good suggestion (don't say sovtek, please...). When the tubes start to go, everything will get muddy sounding when you push them hard and the whole system will lack power. They are easy to check and I'm sure you can find someone near you with a tester.