Suggestions on $1k used preamp w/ phono

Any suggestions on a good sounding preamp which has phono (and good line stage). Minimalist features are a plus. Looking to get back into vinyl but need good linestage in addition to the phono section (Accuphase DP75V cd player)
Check out Mapletree Audio Design ( for their line of preamps. Dr. Lloyd is very easy to talk to.
You could check out the Odyssey Tempest -

Odyssey Audio

This package fits your requirements perfectly (and it's new, too).

What is your amp? Also, do you want to get into tubes? The Cary SP-74 would be a fun way to get going into tubes. I'm using a VTL 2.5 w/ the phono stage, but they go for about 2 or 3 hundred north of a grand. The MF, I would have to second that choice.
Conrad Johnson PV10B with phono stage will open your ears to the wonderful world of tubes! Buy it with confidence here at Audiogon!