Your opinion of McIntosh MC 240 tubed amp

I cannot find much written about this '60's era amplifier. I am interested in feedback comparing this older amp to newer tubed amps and would like to hear your opinions...both pro and con. Thanks.
Vintage mac Solid state may sound better? The 240 will sound soft and warm but won't have much above 15khz.
Elevick, your MC240 might need to be recap. My MC240 has freq from 5hz to 30Khz.
I must second the correction above. A properly operating MC240 is flat out to about 40 khz at 40 watts and 3 dB down at 100khz with one watt out. When a MC240 has a recapped audio, feedback section and power supply it will sound quite modern. If you are judging the sound of a unit with out of spec old parts this is not the real MC240.
