Very interesting and well put, Bombay! (The EE in you manifested himself, thankfully:))
Engineering a constant current device is a bit tricky, (albeit nice for speakers) especially when we go over the sacrosant 2,83V level. Astonishingly, it seems that some SS amps have been designed with the full throttle in mind, linearity falling as we lower the volume.
For that matter, how many of us nowadays listen at more than ~4V at the amp output -- with a 89-90db efficiency speaker that's enough to tire the ear pretty fast!
Engineering a constant current device is a bit tricky, (albeit nice for speakers) especially when we go over the sacrosant 2,83V level. Astonishingly, it seems that some SS amps have been designed with the full throttle in mind, linearity falling as we lower the volume.
For that matter, how many of us nowadays listen at more than ~4V at the amp output -- with a 89-90db efficiency speaker that's enough to tire the ear pretty fast!