Rwd: The EH's are the only KT-88's I've tried or heard. Which ones are in your Hurricanes?
Trelja: In my amps, in my system, I can't really say that the KT-88EH's are "sweeter" in any way than the Svet 6550C's, mostly just more 'complete'-sounding: more full-band, more even-handed and neutral in frequency response, faster and cleaner, more spatially resolving, and more transparent/detailed. But as I said, I'll have to revisit this comparo after the new tubes get a year's worth of use on them to make it an entirely fair fight, so although I'm convinced the sound I'm getting now is 'better' than what I achieved at any point in the past with the 6550C's, I'm regarding my specific characterizations as provisional.
Trelja: In my amps, in my system, I can't really say that the KT-88EH's are "sweeter" in any way than the Svet 6550C's, mostly just more 'complete'-sounding: more full-band, more even-handed and neutral in frequency response, faster and cleaner, more spatially resolving, and more transparent/detailed. But as I said, I'll have to revisit this comparo after the new tubes get a year's worth of use on them to make it an entirely fair fight, so although I'm convinced the sound I'm getting now is 'better' than what I achieved at any point in the past with the 6550C's, I'm regarding my specific characterizations as provisional.