Passive intergrated Amps

Sorry if this has been discussed before...

A lot of my friends here in London have a simple 2ch, which they use for CD replay only. We tend to spend about £1000 to 2000 on the entire system (Arcam/Creek/Linn etc) I was wondering if anyone made a 'passive integrated' (i.e. no pre amp gain, etc, just an attenuator) obviously accepting only line level inputs (most of us hook up only a CD anyway)

Not having a needless headphone circuit would be a plus too.

Anyone heard of such an animal?

The conrad-johnson CAV-50 tube integrated is a passive switcher and attenuator mated to a 50W tube amp.
Cheers for the help...

I guess I never realised that many of the newer integrateds w/o a phono stage are actually passive pre's. The Creek really surprised me, in that respect. Slaesmen just arent knowledgeable enough at this end of the market and that's a shame. That's why I count on the 'Gon anyway!

Thanha again

You mentioned brands that do nothing but SS. Are you limited to SS, or open to tubes? If so, remember that there's plenty out there in the way of 'passive integrateds' in the tube world, and if your a one source person, most of these only have one input anyway.

I've owned several integrateds, the only one I still have that I know has a 'passive' front-end is the Myryad MI-120. Great unit, but it does have a headphone jack, and I know you wanted to avoid that.
The Mistral Integrateds feature passive preamps. They sound very nice, too, and can be had for a good price on Agon. Yes, and they're made in the good ol' UK!
To create your own passive integrated amp, attach EVS Ultimate attenuators to the amp input RCA jacks. These are $350 new; used price is less when rarely available on Audiogon. has them for either tube or transistor amp and there is a 30 day money back trial period. Since you omit any interconnect between preamp and amp the saved money can go towards price of the attenuators.