I don't think the premise is bone-headed--if readers and posters take all comments as no more than recommendations made from personal experience.
Even then, one would want to know with what other components a person auditioned the various amps in question.
Still, I enjoy learning about what worked for other listeners and what didn't, especially if they give me some context for why their preferences are what they are.
I myself have heard only a few tube amps and never in my own system with music I know well, so I can say nothing about them. However, I have long observed that many people who use speakers similar to mine (high sensitivity coaxials) seem to fall into two camps when it comes to recommending amplifiers: one camp recommends single ended triode tube amplifiers of 2 to 10 wpc output; the other recommends high current, high power solid state (often MOSFET) amps.
I myself use Meitner ampification, which is high current and MOSFET, but not particularly high power (50 to 100 wpc @ 8 ohms). For the quality of reproduction, I consider these amps "best buys".
This is particularly so because the designer continues to refine the circuit and performance and one of his colleagues continues to offer updates and service, although these amplifiers were last manufactured in 1990 or 1991.
All I would say, then, is that you have Porsche tastes but can only afford a Honda Civic, you should consider the Meitner STR-55 stereo amp (50 wpc; stock units typically $400-450 used) or the MTR-101 mono amps (100 wpc; stock pairs typically $800-1200 used). 1991 list prices were $1600 and $3400 respectively.
There are of course many other good amps out there to recommend, moany or most of which I have never heard. I have listened to many much more expensive amps, but only in audio shops and in other people's systems. Such circumstances I do not consider adequate trials on which to base comments.
Other amps owned or auditioned in my system: Muse Model 100 (1991-92 models), Metaxas Iraklis, Bryston 3B and 4B (plain Bs, not NRB, ST, or SST); Quad 405, 405-II, 606, Adcom GFA 555-II.
Hope some other "budget audiophiles" find these comments helpful.