Best Values and worst values in SS and tube amps ?

My choices for best value: Most McCormack amplifiers, past and present, in solid state, and Sonic Frontiers for tubes ( although the S/F is still somewhat expensive, it's terrific sound for the money )

Worst values: In my book, most Sim Audio gear regardless of price. Sexy looking and good build, but dry - dark - lifeless sound. Worst value in tubes: Aronov...

How about YOU ?
I like the Aronov for its fair value in comparison to the other big names, but the fact that its performance is excellent to superior doesn't seem to be primary criterion to the member who initiated this discussion. The recent Aronov LS960I tube integrated for something like $1350 mint in box was actually the "best value" buy of the year on used Audiogon postings. If I didn't already own one then it would have found at least one eager buyer. The used listings are sometimes amazingly reasonable for any brand you care to mention. As a bargain hunter I find all mainstream, high quality tube equipment from the big names too expensive at full retail. But labeling a "worst value" company out of so many high priced companies seems a petty slam against one, and a shorthand way to trash a great performing product line. Looking for the worst value is not my idea of enjoying a hobby, although I feel it is necessary to defend a company accused without even the detailed comparisons to supposedly support such a sweeping claim. My own experience is that the performance of my Aronov has favorably surprised owners of the other big name brands with comparable used and new prices. Aronov simply doesn't deserve to be archived with this type of discussion headline. Anyway, amplifier value relates to the entire system, including what type of speakers need driving, and what size room needs to be filled with music. Aronov makes a variety of speakers sing in my systems, and when purchased used (like all my equipment) is a "best value."
It's very hard to tell how an amp will sound in your system, even if you've heard it with other equipment. The best guide is still listening, though, even if you can't do it at home.

Just to prove that YMMV, I loved my Sim Celeste W-4070Se, right up until I sold it to make a big upgrade to Shanling tubes--the SP-80. IMHO both these amps are excellent value. The Shanlings are very melodic and musical, the Celeste was danceable in the extreme.

Linn LP12/RB300 Cardas/Cardas Heart, Shanling CD-T100, Klyne SK-5A, Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rod, Ensemble cables.
I have to agree with Dekay bad idea for a thread.
Everything is system dependant. Almost worthless to do these generalizations. Case in point, Aronov LS960 tube amps.
I have owned many different amps in all price catagories. I found the Aronov to be an excellent value...I have it pushing $20,000 speakers so the price is not the criteria. On the other hand if you listen with your eyes, Sonic Frontiers while looking great on paper....

Yes, I do. I have listened to quite a few mismatched/poor sounding systems made of otherwise desirable components and have also experieced a number of mismatches in my own systems over the years.
Pretty much impossible to say with any certainty what's good or bad becuase it's all about synergy. As case in point was a recent change I made to my system. My original setup was Martin Logan Quest Z's driven by a BATVK-500 amp and Transparent bi-wires, great match. When I sold the ML's and put the Eminent Technology LFT VIII speakers in the mix the sound was very disappointing. I knew I had a cable mismatch and swapped the Transparent for Zu WAX biwires (thanks for the heads up Ron) and voila, bliss. The point is you cannot determine the quality of a component unless it's set up properly; the amps you consider underperformers may very well be set up using wires or even speakers that are not well suited to it's character. Educate your ears and learn to match systems, with few exceptions I really doubt there are "bad" products on the market but I'm certain there are mismatched systems.