Best Values and worst values in SS and tube amps ?

My choices for best value: Most McCormack amplifiers, past and present, in solid state, and Sonic Frontiers for tubes ( although the S/F is still somewhat expensive, it's terrific sound for the money )

Worst values: In my book, most Sim Audio gear regardless of price. Sexy looking and good build, but dry - dark - lifeless sound. Worst value in tubes: Aronov...

How about YOU ?
Your taste in speakers is much like mine, I would guess. I would love to have Parsifals or Sonus Fabers, although I don't know the GP Home at all. I will remember that you think Sim and Aronov amps are a poor combination with these, next time I get a chance to hear them.
Just for the record, I don't think Aronov are bad amplifiers. It's just that in my humble opinion they are not as good value as others. On the value ladder, it's just that the top rungs dot not belong to the Aronov. My personnal experience with them: loose bass, unclear imaging and humming transformers. But do remember I had a very revealing set of speakers....playing the same through $ 1,500 PSB speakers my prove to be very different.
Three Aronov owners have already taken the time to point out their favorable experiences, but the fact that they may be enjoying "tight" bass, "clear" imaging, and lack of audible transformers does not erase the fact that Audiogon is the voice of the people, including each individual. If one person is determined to knock one company's product then this constitutes one vote. It is necessary to point out that there is at least one individual (and sometimes more than one) with a negative opinion of virtually any item in comparison to others. This is evident in reading discussions over the years. I think Aronov owners feel protective of "our" company, because the company is so invisible to the greater audiophile community. When its only mention in the archived discussion is so uncomplimentary then one wishes to defend against such a dismissive attitude. Still, as a premise, discussing "worst value" in audio is not going to attract the positive energy and helpful posts for which Audiogon is known. I guess I should dismiss this entire thread as "worst value." My first flame ever, and I feel better already. Notice how each of us can be an army of one in a multi-channel audio world.
In this audio world of $ 2,000.00 interconnects, $ 4,000 cartriges, and $ 10,000 room treatment equipment, not counting the expensive tweaking toys, this is an expensive hobby, and the opportunity for spending money in a less-than-wise manner abound. I have not been negative about anything. As in all things, there are products on the upper ladder and others below. But it's only MY opinion.How many high-end manufacturers do you know that advertise as being ''second best'' or third best'' ? They ask % 100 of your money for a % 100 promise of % 100 performance. Yet, how many provide % 100 satisfaction as promised? It is very realistic to speak of value, and one is confronted everytime with the spending of hard-earned money on these toys, as they are toys. Audiogon is a forum of free speech, and I am absolutely certain that most people have their own idea of what constitutes a bargain or a scam. I just happened to share my views, without bias, and I had hoped without criticism. This is not the case apparently. Why do we not let the statistics rule? I have no trouble with 100 different opinions that are different than mine. This is democracy. And this is why I like this forum! Why don't we just chalk it down to me having bad ears? Case closed.
sonicbeauty,you don't have to explain to the neanderthals,they probably voted for know,everybody thinks along the same lines.don't have a independent're upsetting the powers that be.i don't mean to be redundant,but thanks again for this great thread.. pax

jim b.