Though very close they are definately not identical sounding. I've owned the 8150, 8100, 8200mkI, 8200mkII, and have ordered the new 9200. Though a shared Plinius 'sound' is consistent between the 8150 and 8200mkII [and the other models] -- they are not identical. The 8150 is softer sounding and slightly more laid back. The 8200mkII in contrast, sounds as 'tubey/analog' but with more slam and better articulation in the mid/lower bass. The highs on the 8200mkII are not as rolled-off, and express better detail as compared with the 8150. In my experience the overall dynamics of the 8200mkII are a step-up from the 8150. I found the weakest of the bunch to be the 8200 mkI, and I think Plinius agreed as it was very quickly changed/updated to the mkII.