B&W 800D2 - Bi-amping vs Bi-wiring

Hello folks,

I am looking for feedback on bi-amping these amazing speakers. I currently own a CA-2200 amp and it seems 200w per channel may not be adequate to realize full potential of 800D2. So i was thinking of bi-amping two classe ca-2200 for L/R speakers, thus feeding 400w each to Left and Right speakers. Or am i better off buying a pair of CA-M600 for each speaker? I would like to stick with Classe amps only... love the way they sound.

Next question is about bi-wiring. There seems to be bit of confusion (atleast in my head) on the best way to bi-wire speakers. The true shotgun cable is terminated with two split(+ and -)on amp end and 4 splits (2 + and 2 -)on speaker end. I have seen illustrations where bi-wiring is done with 2 identical runs of cables between dual binding posts on amp and speaker ends feeding seperate signal to LF and HF speaker inputs. I have read about the advantages of two single runs but my cable manufacturer doesn't seems to agree with this configuration. He is still recommending shotgun configuration.

I hope to gain some insight before i make an investment in a amp or new cables. I currently own a bi-wire cable in shotgun configuration.
Hello Kr4,

Thank you for your reply. May I know which amp you're using with 802D's?
My dealer is also recommending CA-M600's.
800d2 not 802d.

I use several at the moment.
Mac MC-303
Parasound A31
NAD M22 x 2
Benchmark AHB2
"Or am i better off buying a pair of CA-M600 for each speaker?"

I wouldn't do it that way. If you want to biamp, I think its better to use 2 stereo amps and do a vertical biamp.

Worry about the cables later. Its more important to active components first.
07-31-15: Kr4
Passively bi-amping with another CA-2200 will get you less than 3dB more output. Using the CA-M600 will get you almost 5dB and, probably, more head room.

I won't stir the hornets by commenting on bi-wiring but I use shotgun cables on my 800D2s, fwiw.
Good advice. I plan on upgrading from an integrated amp to separates later this year which will give me MUCH more power and control. I could have invested in mono's, but prefer to keep my system balanced. Like Kr4, I use shotgun cables (Jorma Statement). FWIW, my goal is to keep my box count down & focus on quality over quantity, though power amp numbers do matter with a moderately tough load.