Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?

Which amps will drive 1 ohm loads like Apogee Speakers?
On the cheap, the Krell Ksa-300s would work very well and that is what I would use (better than the classe). The Ksa-150/250's were also made as mono's...the Ksa-250 becomes the MDA-500 and the Ksa-150 becomes the MDA-300. Both of these come up for sale here on audiogon and would work very well. The pass 600's would for sure be the better of the bunch (I've seen your system at the Apogee forum Muralman1, very nice). My choice for amps would be IMHO.

1. Pass X600's
2. Krell MDA 500's
3. Krell Ksa 300s
4. Krell MDA 300's
5. Krell Ksa 250
6. Most of the other older Krell Ksa's and the Classe amps.

Do not try the Krell Kav's or the Aragon's...they may work for a while but will give it up from overheating in the long run. My info. comes from what I have read on the WWW from Scintilla owners. I am sure there are other amps that would also work very well that are not on my list. I left some older amps off the list because of service issue problems that could come up with these companys.

I wanted to make note that the use of an output inductor in an amp will LOWER damping factor at higher frequencies. By using a heavier gauge conductor, the effects of this are minimized AND more current can be passed as discussed above. Sean
Sogood, thanks for the compliment. You succinctly wrapped up the amp options.

Good luck Seadog. West coast, or East coast?