Gryphon gets no press, but is great.

Gryphon, a product I sold back in the early '90's is magical sounding gear. But according to the Owner Principal designer, he can't get arrested in the U. S. Press. I have emailed an acquaintence (Robert Harley) from my days as Director of Sales for THIEL Audio, about this and he was vaguely aware of some of this, even to the point of saying that he had a memory a negative review. That seems impossible if you read the Worldwide rave press they receive. Plus as an owner of the Callisto integrated, I can verifiy that it runs away from virtually all things (even some separates costing multiples) comparable. Why is it that a product that is so good, from their integrateds, to their separates, doesn't get a better shake in the our country? Marketing has been, in my evaluation poor, and I have shared this with Mr. Rasmussen, but even so, sometimes ground swells of interest have overcome this. Flemming Rasmussen, who is the owner, says, that the U.S. is not a large enough market for "his kind of product", and that Americans may lack the "sophistocation" to appreciate it. He was not being condescendig or vitriolic, just sadly stating his perspective. Of course, seeing all the two channel (brother) audiophiles out there, I can't believe that. What is up, other than poor marketing choices?
Any ideas and thoughts from current or previous owners would be good input. Frankly, while traveling all over the U. S. I never saw it in stores. That is sad given its performance.
I agree, and would say that, very few combos of separates beat it at that price too.
It is a shame that they have let the market atrophy. BTW, they did not go for very long without distribution. Dynaudio, marketed it, but I think they treated it like a tag along to their speakers, assuming that their dealers would just automatically buy the Gryphon along with Dynaudio. That was not a good strategy. That is a little hindsightish, but accurate. If Aberdeen can do it, we will have another good line to choose from. Really, at $7K it bests most separates anywhere near that price that I have heard, except perhaps the Belles 21A and the 350. That is wonderful, not too sweet, and accurate, Go Dave Belles.
Good Listening,
I also have to agree with you guys; I do have the Sonata Allegro preamp along with the Solo Antileon mono amps. I do really do believe that they're one of the best. in this crazy hobby, this is the first time I feel that I don't need to upgrade any more.

I used to have the ML No.32 and I listened to the Allegro, I sold the No. 32. The quality of workmanship along with the sound, no one can ask for more.

I have to thank another fellow Aduiogoner who pointed me toward Gryphon. I hope that they get the recognition they definitely deserve.
All Gryphon needs to do is: a) Send a ton of equipment to The Obsolete Sound and Stereophool, for review and "long term loan" (read - we don't expect it back). b) Sign a long term contract with both magazines for full page ads. Glowing reviews will follow.
Elgordo, LOL. Sadly, you are absolutely correct. I told the story of my days with a Loudspeaker manufacturer, who I won't mention due to political consequences. A reviewer had two pairs of our $12K Loudspeakers. He was the most respected, (by some), reviewer, in a time not so long ago. Anyway, I reported directly to the two owners, as Director of Sales, and I was involved in them trying to get these two pairs back from him. He balked, and (apparently out of spite) put both pairs on his porch, allowing them to go to ruin!! They had to be cut apart when finally returned! This is a sad, but true commentary, on the palm greasing that unfortunately sometimes has to take place. Before everyone goes nuts, no, not all reviewers are crooks or wrong, that is silly! But it does seem odd that the biggest advertisers are the most reviewed, which are the biggest advertiseres which...
Even more sadly, the great reviewers, such as Robert Harley, don't seem to get the full amount of respect that their exceptional work should receive. Also, I used to really love to read equipment reviews. I would wait for Stereophile and Absolute Sound to arrive each month. Now, I am a little cynical about some of the magazines. Everyone out there, ultimately should find a trusted friend or great dealer, (hard to find) for recommendations, and make decisions based on their own ears. In the meantime, I hope Grypon makes a comeback, in spite of their lack of marketing.
Good listening,
I have been waiting for this thread for about 5 years. Gryphon is a great brand but is at the very highest price point along with the likes of Halcro, Burmester, Goldmund. I do recall a negative review of one of their older amps in Stereophile many years ago which killed the brand in the US and I think caused them to recede back to Europe. I have heard the new amps and they are excellent, the CD players are great, and they just intro'd a speaker. You have to go out of your way to try these out, but that's also true of the competition. I think that this is a very legitimate brand with staying power and should be seriously considered if you have the cash, but the above posts are right, lack of entry level components may be hurting them.