Tube Preamp with "pass through" for HT option?

Can any of you suggest a tube preamp with a HT pass through so I can use a tube preamp for 2 channel listening and my Myryad MDP500 G6 for home theater and satellite (with the option for 2 channel too). I am just venturing and gaining knowledge into tube setups so ignore my naivity if it applies. My plan is to continue to use and Anthem MCA II Series 2 Solid State 2-channel amp to power my Dynaudio Contour 1.3 II speakers. The other amp is an Anthem MCA III series 2 which powers the center and 2 surrounds. If a tube amp like this is available without breaking the bank (again!) please suggest and how would be best to hook up? Thanks. Dave
I just received a BAT VK3i that has a unity gain function that allows for HT pass-thru. I haven't had the chance to utilize it thought because it is in a 2 channel only system.
The BAT's unity gain feature only gives you a fixed gain setting for any input. That allows you to adjust volume level from the processor but it is not a HT pass through because signal still goes through all the preamp amplification circuits.
I belive Rogue Offers HT Bypass as an option on thier Pre amps and Integrated. COntact them for details.
As Natnic mentioned Rogue has the option, but I believe the switch is toggle switch on the back of the unit. So to access it you must reach around the back of the pre to flip the switch. A 66 Magnum just sold the other day for $699.

Another option, staying in the Anthem family, is the Pre 2L. It will mate well with you MCA 2. I saw one go recently for around $600. Do a search here on the 'gon for more info on each. Good luck.