I am a vinyl-only type person too. I have an Art Audio Vinyl One phono stage with volume control and I love it. It's warm, dynamic and full sound without lossing detail, very musical and not particularly analitical. Since I bought it, I have replaced the stock volume pot (Alps blue pot) with a TKD film pot. I actually wanted to get a TKD step attenuator but there isn't enough space for it unless I drill another hole in the front for it. The upgraded pot is much smoother. Overall this phono stage is very very good. It is way better than the EAR 834P. Now, I have only one dial to turn in my whole system. The sound is so pure and immediate, it's unbelievable. I have gone a full circle to come to realize the simpler the better. I've been in this crazy hooby for 20 years. I have tried tri-amping, bi-amping and now I am down to the most basic system. One thing about a stand alone phone, especially when partnered with Quad 63 speakers, is that it is like a mirrow, it shows everything. I had to replace interconnect and signal tubes to get it right. Everything you put in there shows. I tried different power cord with the Vinyl One and the one I ended using is the stock cord. It's much more natural than anything I have tried. The vinly One has 50dB for MM and 70 dB for MC. It should work with most caetridge. I use a Koetsu Rosewood Sig. with it. Also, I have tried it with a linestage, it is definitely better without better without a linestage. BTW, I am not in anyway related to Art Audio. Good Luck.