I will say that I am loving my Audio Research LS-7. It is my second one and definately in your price range. Easy to tube swap. Great clean sounding piece. No remote sorry.
No detachable power cord, easily converted. Sonically, very detailed almost analytical but truely non fataguing to listen to and built extremely well. Will give you some warmth.. The Dna is a nice piece.. This is a single ended unit, no balaced ins or outs... and an external phono section is needed, but most prefer that anyway.
Happy listening!
Custom Audio LLC
I will say that I am loving my Audio Research LS-7. It is my second one and definately in your price range. Easy to tube swap. Great clean sounding piece. No remote sorry.
No detachable power cord, easily converted. Sonically, very detailed almost analytical but truely non fataguing to listen to and built extremely well. Will give you some warmth.. The Dna is a nice piece.. This is a single ended unit, no balaced ins or outs... and an external phono section is needed, but most prefer that anyway.
Happy listening!
Custom Audio LLC