Classe Cam200 or Ca201?

Trying to decide between the two. Anyone have any experience with this gear and a comparison? Driving AE1's MKII with Classe pre-amp. Obviously a little more bass would be nice. Should I save for a 301? I do have a REL Storm III for low, low end. Thanks.
Reb1208 : I had the 15 not the DR15. I would agree with you - to my ears the 15 sounded more dynamic and "liquid" than the CA200 and the CA201. I had the 15 driving a pair of NEAR 50Me's (early 90's - one of the first full-range all metal-driver speakers available for those of you who may have forgotten ;-) and it did a great job of taking some of the edge off the 50Me's.

The CA300 that you owned is a much better amplifer than the 200, and in many respects I preferred it to the CA 400. Incidentally I didn't find much difference between the earlier version of the CA200 (heat sinks at the back), the newer version CA 200 (heat sinks on the side), and the supposedly revised CA201 (from what I hear the revision pretty much amounted to a new faceplate). I'm not really familar with the electrolytic cans the 15 used vs. the CA200/201, but your theory could be true. Just like other manufacturers I'm sure Classe changes part values all the time depending on suppliers, new technologies avaialble, etc.

I'm curious about the new line of Classe equipment - hopefuly they won't suffer the same fate as Mark Levinson did. From what I hear the company will retain full control over design and development, so hopefully this won't be the case. I won't be surpised if B&W pushes for a wider pipeline for home theater products.


From what I understand- Classe is just going to introduce two new models this year. I am sure you are aware that the entire product line has been discontinued. They have been filling orders from built up inventory.

Anyway, about the new amps. I beieve a pair of 400 watt mono blocs. And the other a "mulit-purpose" 200 watter that repotedly will drive even the B+W 800s. Multi-purpose in that it will have the option for additional channels- ie home theatre use. Rumour has it that the ch version will be 5k and performs similiar to the Omega.

I have lost so much money on high-end over the years. And these companys have basically priced me out of the market to buy at retail (like I used to do). So I went with the 15 for now. I think it does some things better than the CA-300- but overall the 300 is a better amp- hum and all.
Take care
The 301 has Omega technology, may be your best choice overall, and with the new line coming out, this can be your chance to score a used , or even new one, at a sweet price.
Thanks everyone for the information. I am going to keep my eyes open for some used CAM 200's

I recently upgraded to the CP 47.5, I found it a definite step up in sound over the CP 35. (the 35 is still very good)