Plinius makes some great amps, and were I building my system from scratch, I'd consider a Plinius pre-amp and amp combo, but since I already have the SimAudio P-5 pre-amp, I'll stick with the likelihood of better synergy with the W-6. Unless of course the guy that's letting me audition the Stellavox wins the bet. In his opinion, once I hear the Stellavox, no other amp will satisfy. I still can't believe the things are only 10lbs each.
Plinius makes some great amps, and were I building my system from scratch, I'd consider a Plinius pre-amp and amp combo, but since I already have the SimAudio P-5 pre-amp, I'll stick with the likelihood of better synergy with the W-6. Unless of course the guy that's letting me audition the Stellavox wins the bet. In his opinion, once I hear the Stellavox, no other amp will satisfy. I still can't believe the things are only 10lbs each.