Best solid state power amp for $1k

I am looking for new or used, at least 100w 8ohm per channel, no more than 200w per channel. I am using a tube pre-amp, based on the 12au7 and presently using new oskar heil speakers. My musical tastes run to jazz and classical. Let the opinions fly.
I would suggest the Aragon 8008st or 8008BB depending on whether your pre-amp has balanced outputs. The 8008 will meet your power requirements as listed above, and will drive virtually anything down to 2ohm speakers.

I had one a few years ago and was very impressed.
I'm very satisfied with a BAT VK200 matched to my tube amp, but it is around $500 over your budget. An amp I wouldn't mind having no matter the budget is the McCormack DNA1. You should be able to snag one for well under $1000. Good luck!