Best solid state power amp for $1k

I am looking for new or used, at least 100w 8ohm per channel, no more than 200w per channel. I am using a tube pre-amp, based on the 12au7 and presently using new oskar heil speakers. My musical tastes run to jazz and classical. Let the opinions fly.
If you can find one, an old Tandberg 3006A (150WPC). They generally go for $300 - $400 because of their age, but they sound really sweet. I've had both the Aragon 4004 Mk II and the Tandberg hooked up to my system and the Tandberg was quite a bit more musical. It has a really warm, tube-like midrange and great punch and drive. The Aragon has a leaner midrange and a more agressive high end. I bought the Tandberg in 1986, but I wouldn't think of selling it because it sounds a lot better than it's worth (if that makes sense).
Nighthawk, my basis for recommending an aragon or a mccormack were based on the original posters equipment. He is using a tubed pre. Now what you end up with is a warm mid and a much softer high end with plenty of punch. Also if he decides to sell one of those amps the loss will be less susbstantial.
I would include the latest offerings from Quad and Marsh. You might find a Quad 909 for around $1000 or so and the Marsh 200 and 400 for a little below and above $1000. All worth listen.
Check out the Anthem amp2 SE. 200wpc tubed input. I think mine sounds very nice. They are about 1k new. msrp was around $1800.
Another plug for the Odyssey stuff as those are the only ones I have heard. Stratos used for $850 or new Khatargo $750. These amps are selling for 70% of the new price. I doubt you'd loose any money if you bought used and deceided to sell and go another route.