Audio Research 150.2 Class T Digital Amp

Has anyone auditioned the new Audio Reserach 150.2 Class T digital amp?
I borrowed one for two weeks from my dealer while my VT100 MKIII was in service. It indeed was impressive and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. However, ultimately I found it less musically involving and became very anxious to get back to the tubes. Sometimes what we can not detect in an A/B audition, gets revealed after several listening sessions, and it can be difficult to describe.
Quotes from above posts:

'This amplifier is articulate, detailed, dynamic, and presents a wide and deep sound stage.'

'Sounds laid back and warm and polite to me.'

Hard to believe it's the same amp they're both commenting on.
I have concluded that, when one describes this amp. It is a description of the source component and pre-amp signature. I also believe the digital circuitry in this amp has the ability to "learn"- but this is only my opinion. I have made some changes and think Neds' description to be more accurate.
I'd like to hear more feedback on this amp if anyone has any. I just bought one and want to know what to expect as far as burn in time etc. Are Audio Research solid state amps pretty reliable overall? Thanks.