warmer pre-amp for Adcom GFA 555II

Definitive Technology BP20s bi-amp with Adcom GFA 555IIs and a GFP 555II pre-amp. SignalCable Analog2 ICs and double run single wire speaker cables. Too bright for my taste at higher volume levels. Considering replacing the pre-amp and looking for recommendations, something I can buy used for 500 or so. The Adcoms require 1.75v.
Audio Research LS3?

Conrad-Johnson PV11. I used this with a 555mk11 with good results really smoothed out the mids and highs.
A CJ PV11 is a great choice, or an Audible Illusions Modulus 2D (had both). Assuming you're running a digital front end, I'd try to stay with a good used player or better yet, a good used tube dac, and you'll be there. At this level you can do all the above at a quite reasonable price.
As Bigkidz said above, pay good attention to your front end (CDP,DAC), this can make or break a system.
There was a nice audio research sp-6 for sale on this site. Very nice piece also has a great phono stage to boot!
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