warmer pre-amp for Adcom GFA 555II

Definitive Technology BP20s bi-amp with Adcom GFA 555IIs and a GFP 555II pre-amp. SignalCable Analog2 ICs and double run single wire speaker cables. Too bright for my taste at higher volume levels. Considering replacing the pre-amp and looking for recommendations, something I can buy used for 500 or so. The Adcoms require 1.75v.
Audio Research LS3?

Hi Gabus,

Have you considered a different IC? Not sure what you are using now for an IC, but a swap may indeed take the edge off the brightness.

Best of luck, Paul
Hello Gabus,
I and another Agoner have had great results using a Dared SL-2000a tubed preamp with the 585 Adcoms.It has plenty of gain and matches nicely with the impedence.It is extremely quiet no hums or hiss. You also get a RF remote all for around $300.00 new.It has two inputs ..no phono. I have yet to see one put up for sale on the used market since they were released.I have a audiophile friend that has owned hundreds of pieces of Audiophile equipment from speakers,amps.. to preamps (he has albums of pictures to prove it).He is still amazed at how good this preamp is!That should tell you something about the product and the happy audiophiles that own them.

Good Luck!
Conrad-Johnson PV11. I used this with a 555mk11 with good results really smoothed out the mids and highs.
A CJ PV11 is a great choice, or an Audible Illusions Modulus 2D (had both). Assuming you're running a digital front end, I'd try to stay with a good used player or better yet, a good used tube dac, and you'll be there. At this level you can do all the above at a quite reasonable price.
As Bigkidz said above, pay good attention to your front end (CDP,DAC), this can make or break a system.