Anyone's opinion about VTL amps?

I have been listening to VTL-MB450 monoblocks. The best sound of these monoblock amps impressed me when I listen to vocals but for instrumentals they sound too laid back. Anyone has any suggestion?
hello yes was comparing the XLO SIGNATURE 2 RCA version and the balanced signature 2 IC's seemed like everything moved forward about 1 foot in the soundstage. It could have changed because of the truly balanced Wadia equipment or because of the amplifier I really can't say why but balanced definitely sounded much better overall in my system. I understand the 750 reference is a truly balanced design [which may explain why it sounded better for me vs.Zaikesmans not truly balanced mb 185 not sounding better via balanced cables] don't know if the 450 is truly balanced or not.
Mejames: Of course different results are possible in different situations, and to different ears. But to the best of my knowledge, all of the VTL amp models utilize similar single-ended circuitry.
I am currently using a pair of MB 750's and they are great. I think I may be done buying amps. I love these things, and at $8000.00 a pair used, I have 800 tube watts and they are cosmetically beautiful also. The same wattage would cost you almost twice as much with ARC. I am not a whealthy man, so to me I call that the point of diminishing return.
VTL customer service is also wonderful, I called them after business hours a few weeks back and Bea Lam called me back on her cell phone from CES in Vegas and calmed me down when I thought my amps were making noise, and she helped me find out that it was a bad tube in my Hovland HP-100. Hope this helps!